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Your weekly Indivisible Newsletter


This morning, President Biden released plans to relieve more borrowers of student debt, increasing the total number of people his debt relief programs will impact to approximately 30 million.

If you don’t remember, Biden’s plan from 2022 to eliminate up to $20,000 in student debt for borrowers on federal loans was overturned by the MAGA Supreme Court. But, debt relief is a promise he has stuck with since his 2020 campaign. And though Trump’s court opposed him, saddling the American people with more unnecessary debt, Biden has never given up -- methodically working to eliminate billions of dollars in debt for borrowers. The job isn’t done, and our fight continues.

On the other side of the aisle, Donald Trump announced last night that he would be making a statement on his views on abortion policy this morning, and this morning he…said nothing.

Well, that’s not entirely true, he tried to play both sides: bragging about ending Roe v. Wade while staying non-committal on a national abortion ban and slyly acting like he was leaving it to the states -- you know, how it already is because of his Supreme Court. But he told on himself in his preview post on Truth Social: 

“but at the same time we must use common sense in realizing that we have an obligation to the salvation of our Nation, which is currently in serious DECLINE, TO WIN ELECTIONS, without which we will have nothing other than failure, death, and destruction” (Emphasis and grammar his). 

Those are the words of a man signaling to his followers that he will lie to win an election and then rip away our rights. 

Don’t believe us? Here are multiple examples of his plan to implement a national abortion ban.

This is the duality we are faced with. 

A president who will stand with integrity in transparently doing everything he can to fulfill his campaign promises, and a con man who disguises his hostility to our rights to gain the votes he needs to end reproductive freedom once and for all. 

Truth and accountability or lies and opacity -- which would you prefer?

With that, here are your weekly to-dos:

 Your weekly to-dos 

  1. Sign up to defend democracy from Trump with Project 2024: Majority Over MAGA. Our Project 2024 was made in direct opposition to Trump’s dangerous MAGA objectives. This new electoral program will ensure Indivisibles all across the country have the opportunity to make a difference in the highest-priority races this cycle and prevent a MAGA catastrophe from taking place. This will include tactics like phonebanking, postcarding, and direct-to-voter texting along with our groundbreaking community conversation strategy: Neighbor2Neighbor. Sign up to be the first to know when we launch our tools in your area.
  2. Call your senator and demand they protect in vitro fertilization (IVF) access nationwide. The MAGA agenda did not just stop at repealing Roe. They intend to ban contraception, IVF, gender-affirming care, marriage equality, and more. Sen. Tammy Duckworth has introduced the Access to Family Building Act, a bill that would enshrine access to IVF and related services as a federal right, protecting both would-be families and their medical providers. If your senator is a Democrat, call and make sure they are a cosponsor. If your senator is a Republican, tell them to put their money where their mouth is, pass this bill, and actually support families. 
  3. When you’re finished calling, send your senators an email urging them to protect IVF access. 
  4. Email your MoC about cosponsoring H.R. 732 -- the Save Medicare Act. We know the MAGA agenda includes ending Medicare as we know it -- and a big part of their scheme includes handing the reins to private insurers. But we’ve seen what happens when greedy insurance companies are put in charge: Medicare Advantage, the privatized option for Medicare, is rampant with fraud and overspending. If we allow insurance companies unchecked power to run the program, we risk sticking millions of Americans with coverage that promises quality healthcare only to deny coverage for essential care and services. Congress must hold these predatory Medicare Advantage plans accountable, and that starts with blocking the deceptive naming of these private plans.

P.S. We rely on grassroots supporters to help fund the tools Indivisibles use on a daily basis -- including the call pages and email tools on your to do list! If you're able, pitch in today to help fund our work and keep this movement going.

Call for a Humanitarian Ceasefire

**Content Warning: Talk about the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Jump to the line break if you need to avoid this topic.**

Last Monday, seven aid workers for the World Central Kitchen were killed while attempting to deliver food to the Palestinian people in a series of three successive strikes on three separate cars. Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu and his military allies have called it a “grave mistake,” even as it follows a history of strikes against aid workers.

In a subsequent call with Netanyahu, President Biden, “emphasized that the strikes on humanitarian workers and the overall humanitarian situation are unacceptable,” and warned the prime minister that conditions could be added to additional support if the Israeli military did not take steps to increase the flow of aid and limit civilian casualties.

In a message from our own Leah Greenberg, she stated: 

“It is a welcome development that President Biden, and his close allies like Senator Chris Coons, are putting conditions or limitations on military assistance to the Israeli government on the table. It is welcome, but insufficient. The famine conditions in Gaza, the unconscionable loss of Palestinian life, the killing of aid workers, and Israel’s restrictions on humanitarian assistance demand more urgency than simply putting options on the table.”

Six months later, with over 13,000 children killed, it is not enough to threaten to potentially revoke support after the death of 7 aid workers. We are beyond the point of empty promises from Netanyahu; we need action.

Following the White House’s meeting, 56 Democratic representatives sent a letter to the White House on Friday strongly urging President Biden to reconsider sending new arms to Israel (notably, this list included Nancy Pelosi for the first time). More leaders are coming to the understanding that Netanyahu will not stop the atrocities without stronger intervention, and we have a duty to the innocent people of Gaza not to help provide their means to their destruction.

In updated six-month recommendations from international policy experts at the Center for International Policy (CIP), CIP recommends that the US use leverage to press for a full ceasefire, fully enforce US law and arms policy, focus diplomacy toward a just resolution, take meaningful anti-occupation, anti-annexation steps, and substantially expand support for the Palestinian people and Palestinian leaders who seek peace. 

These are the actions we must take to end this conflict and create a lasting peace. The first step toward moving forward is charting the path to a ceasefire. Make sure your representatives are on board today!

Call your Senators >>
Call your Rep >>
Email your MoC >>

 IndivisiWin of the Week 

Crowd gathered behind a speaker at the Indivisible Ulster event holding equal rights and voting signs

Indivisible Ulster hosted a rally for the NY Equal Rights Amendment in Kingston. Check out their YouTube video coverage (complete with a band!).

Indivisible Civics' Truth Brigade

Register for Powering Progress’ Truth Brigade Big Truths: Deep Dive into AI and Social Media this Wednesday, April 10 at 6:30pm ET/3:30pm PT. What in the world is happening in the social media world, and how will AI impact the spread of lies in 2024? Most importantly, what can grassroots volunteers do to make a real difference in an unregulated social scene? Join the Indivisible Civics Truth Brigade with special guest Tim Chambers of Dewey Square Group/Dewey Digital to learn about identifying and countering online disinformation.

Indivisible Civics' Powering Progress

Powering Progress Education Series

Register for Indivisible Civics’ next Powering Progress Persuasion to Power Education Series event: Move Them to Your Side -- Intro to Deep Canvassing with the Deep Canvassing Institute this Thursday, April 11 at 8pm ET/5pm PT. Deep canvassing is a proven, research-based method for organizing conversations that persuade people and create long-lasting change of hearts and minds. It focuses on non-judgmental listening, story-sharing, empathetic curiosity, and reflecting back in order to move people on the most pressing issues of our day. Join Indivisible and the Deep Canvass Institute for a foundational training on the basics of this conversation method. Also, the Powering Progress: Spring Into Action event runs through May. Check out this toolkit to find great ways you can continue to support the incredible achievements of the Inflation Reduction Act.

Follow us on Facebook, Mastodon, Threads, and Instagram to keep up on the latest information, and text “INDIVISIBLE” to 59798 to opt-in to our text messaging program, where we send rapid response actions a few times a month.

In solidarity,
Indivisible Team

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This is a joint newsletter of Indivisible Project and Indivisible Action. Some portions are paid for by Indivisible Civics, which supports civic education and leadership development for local Indivisible groups.

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