Join us in organizing in the time of coronavirus


Our Indivisible Training Team is dedicated to assisting Indivisible groups as they transition how they organize during this difficult time. That is why we are so excited to announce a new month-long webinar training series focused on how we can continue to organize in the time of COVID-19.  

For the entire month of April, Indivisibles and partner activists will be able to dive into a plethora of topics such as building community via social media, deep canvassing during social distancing, and more. Each training will have two dates to sign up so you can make it work with your schedule. 

So, without further ado...

Here are the trainings we have coming up:

Using Social Media to Build Community and Take Action
Indivisible groups have spent years working to turn online activism into offline action, but the script is flipped in this new physical distancing reality. Come learn, from social media experts, how to transfer our in-person community spaces to online and virtual mediums. We will share strategies that can help your Indivisible group take advantage of existing social media platforms to keep momentum going in your community. How to Facilitate Online Spaces that Work
Not all online meetings are created equal. Come learn best practices on how to create and facilitate online meeting spaces that are inclusive, effective and motivating. We will be covering both technological best practices (such as  Zoom and Google Suites how-tos), along with facilitation best practices. 

Structural Inequalities that led to COVID-19 
The COVID-19 outbreak affects everyone regardless of race, gender, immigration status, disability, or any other identity. And yet we’ve seen that the response to this outbreak has not been equitable or comprehensive. Come explore the historical context that set the stage for today’s COVID-19 reality and learn what we can all do as Indivisibles to build a new future coming out of this crisis.
Red and Rural Webinar Series Ep 1
The Red and Rural Webinar will focus on folks who live and work in rural communities all over the US. This will be a space to share insights from our experiences living and organizing in rural areas and lessons we have learned fighting for our communities. 
Deep Canvassing While Social Distancing 
We know that issue-based organizing is how we build local power, but how do we do that while social distancing? This training will take a deep dive into how to have meaningful conversations with folks without knocking doors. Come explore how to apply organizing basics to this ever-changing landscape. 

But wait... there's more!

To keep our spirits up during these trying times, it’s important that we find ways to gather as a community and have some fun. To that end, we are also debuting two SOCIAL opportunities this month!

First, a Social Distance Saturday online get-together on Saturday, April 25th at 8p EST

This virtual get-together is a chance to connect with Indivisibles from across the country for some fun! Come enjoy music, laughter, and connection with Indivisibles from across our network for a little reprieve from the challenging times we're in.

Second, a brand new Share Your Secret Talent Video Campaign to assist our movement in spreading more positivity and joy to the world. 

We know Indivisibles are talented organizers, but what other secret talents do you have? Record a video highlighting a secret talent, this can be anything from a musical performance, comedy routine, dancing, yoga, or anything else that keeps you entertained while social distancing. Submit entries by April 19th for a chance to be featured.

Share your talents with the movement! Record a 90-second video highlighting your secret talent.

All right, Indivisibles. We hope you’ve been staying healthy and safe. As we all adjust together to our new normal and our lives change to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus and protect ourselves and our families, Indivisibles all over the country are rising to the occasion and showing that we know how to respond in the face of sudden, seemingly insurmountable challenges.

In solidarity,
Indivisible Team

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Indivisible Project is a locally-led, people-powered movement of thousands of local groups in red, blue, and purple states, and in urban, suburban, and rural areas. Our mission is to power and lift up a grassroots movement of local groups to defeat the Trump agenda, elect progressive leaders, and realize bold progressive policies.

Grassroots donations, not foundations or large gifts, are our single largest source of funding. That means we’re accountable to, and fueled by, Indivisibles on the ground. Chip in $7 to keep fueling our movement. 

To give by mail, send a check to Indivisible Project, PO Box 43884, Washington, DC 20010.

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Indivisible Project is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.