IRS Direct File is available in your state
We wanted to make sure you saw our message on the IRS' new program available in your state to quickly and simply file your taxes -- for free! Check out the full details below, and forward this email to any friends and family who may be eligible to take advantage of this option before Tax Day, April 15.
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Every year, Americans have to file their taxes. 
And every year, it seems like it gets more and more expensive and inconvenient to file.

Enter the IRS’ new Direct File Pilot Program.

Last year, the Inflation Reduction Act allocated $80 billion to the IRS to go after wealthy tax cheats and improve services. This year, we got a new pilot program allowing Americans with simple taxes to file for free. Instead of having to dump your money into expensive programs like TurboTax or H&R Block that leech off working-class Americans, you have the easy option to go to the Direct File site and, if you’re eligible, file your federal taxes for free.

The accounting industry has long fought any attempt to provide free, simple, and easily accessible tax services. The vast majority of Americans are required to file taxes every single year, and from that requirement, an industry worth billions of dollars has sprung up with a vested interest in keeping the status quo. But those services are not necessary or even particularly useful for most Americans. 

With this pilot program, the IRS is giving a trial run to a new tool that could save Americans hundreds of dollars every year. But it needs your help.

Two-thirds of Americans have not filed taxes yet this year. We need to make sure this pilot program is a success:

  • If you are eligible, file your taxes using IRS Direct File. Direct File is currently open to a limited number of people per day, and will open fully to eligible filers in participating states on March 12. The IRS started with just 12 pilot states this year, but we’d love to see all Americans gain access to free tax-filing. The more people who participate in the program, the more likely it is to be deemed a success and expanded to more states. Prove to the IRS that they are filling a need by using Direct File. Bonus: There’s live online support available from 7:00am-10:00pm ET to answer all of your questions while filing.
  • Tell five of your friends, family members, and neighbors to use IRS Direct File. Even if you have already filed your own taxes, you can still help make this pilot program a success. Let your friends and family know that they may be eligible for Direct File and encourage them to try it out.

Direct file is currently available in Arizona, California, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming. We hope it expands to all states in the coming years -- a shining beacon of how active and inclusive government can work for all.

Everyone benefits from big public investments in government programs and services. Right now, we have an opportunity to shape the perception of this investment and ensure it’s available to all Americans across the country moving forward. Try Direct File today!

In solidarity,
Indivisible Team

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